The irradiation behaviour of beryllium oxide dispersion fuels.

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Australian Atomic Energy Commission
Specimens of beryllium oxide based dispersion fuels containing between three and twenty-six volume per cent, of U02— Th02 solid solution were irradiated to fission densities of 2 to 14 x 1019 fissions/cm3 of total specimen (equivalent burn—ups of 80 to 230 per cent.) at temperatures of 600 - 850ºC. The experiment was primarily designed to investigate fission product damage although some fast neutron damage did occur in the matrix, the specimens showed excellent resistance to fission product damage; dimensional changes were small, fission product escape was generally only that expected by recoil and there was no sign of cracking due to thermal stresses although these reached estimated values of about 30,000 p.s.i. in some specimens, Metallographic examination showed that some weakening of the matrix grain boundaries had occurred and some preliminary x-ray results suggested that the matrix was in a state of strain. It is suggested that these effects could be due either to fast neutron damage in the matrix or swelling of the fuel particles. The experiment did not provide any conclusive evidence for the superiority of coarse fuel particles (100 - 180μ.) over fine fuel particles (< 10μ) although the dimensional changes and the degree of matrix strain were higher in the latter specimens.
Beryllium oxides, Fission products, Irradiation reactors, Fast neutrons, Dispersions, Fuels
Hanna, G. L., Hickman, B. S., & Hilditch, R. J. (1963). The irradiation behaviour of beryllium oxide dispersion fuels. (AAEC/E106). Lucas Heights, NSW: Australian Atomic Energy Commission.