ANSTO annual report 2001-02
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Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology
Organisation (ANSTO) is Australia’s national
nuclear research and development organisation
and the centre of Australian nuclear expertise. ANSTO is responsible for delivering specialised advice, scientific services and products to government, industry, academia and other research organisations. It does so through the
development of new knowledge, delivery of
quality services and support for business
opportunities. ANSTO’s nuclear infrastructure includes the research reactor HIFAR (High Flux Australian Reactor), particle accelerators, radiopharmaceutical
production facilities, and a range of other unique research facilities. HIFAR is Australia’s only nuclear reactor. It is used to produce radioactive products for use in medicine and industry, as a source of
neutron beams for scientific research and to
irradiate silicon for semiconductor applications. The organisation also operates the National Medical Cyclotron, an accelerator facility used to produce
certain short-lived radioisotopes for nuclear
medicine procedures. This is located in the grounds of the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Camperdown, close to Sydney’s central business district. ANSTO has a salaried staff of approximately 850. Its main site is located at the Lucas Heights Science and Technology Centre (LHSTC), 40 km south west of Sydney’s central business district.
The LHSTC occupies 70 hectares and is surrounded by a 1.6 km buffer zone. ANSTO’s general purpose is prescribed by the
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology
Organisation Act 1987 and translated into action through corporate drivers of vision, mission and strategic goals.
ANSTO, Progress report, HIFAR Reactor, Radiopharmaceuticals, Australia, Cyclotrons