Predicted HIFAR fuel element temperatures for postulated loss-of-coolant accidents

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Australian Atomic
A two-dimensional theoretical heat transfer model of a HIFAR Mark IV/Va fuel element has been developed and validated by comparing predicted thermal performances with experimental temperature responses obtained from irradiated fuel elements during simulated accident conditions. Full details of the model's development and its verification have been reported elsewhere. In this report the model has been further used to ascertain acceptable limits of fuel element decay power for the start of two specific LOCAs which have been identified by the Regulatory Bureau of the AAEC. For a single fuel element which is positioned within a fuel load/ unload flask and is not subjected to any forced convective air cooling the model indicates that fission product decay powers must not exceed 1.86 kW if fuel surface temperatures are not to exceed 450 deg C. In the case of a HIFAR core LOCA in which the complete inventory of heavy water is lost it is calculated that the maximum fission product decay power of a central element must not exceed 1.1 kW if fuel surface temperatures are not to exceed 450 deg C anywhere in the core.
Fuel elements, Reactor cores, Heat transfer, Temperature measurement, HIFAR Reactor
Green, W. J. (1987). Predicted HIFAR fuel element temperatures for postulated loss-of-coolant accidents (AAEC/E658). Lucas Heights, NSW: Australian Atomic Energy Commission Research Establishment, Lucas Heights Research Laboratories.