ANSTO Publications
This community comprises of a wide variety of material and historical content such as: information booklets and brochures, annual reports, newsletters and external technical reports. Much of the content has been produced as promotional ephemera, and provides a comprehensive background of the research activities and projects undertaken at ANSTO.
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- Item20 year Australian Antarctic strategic plan(Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy, 2014-07) Williams, AG; Chambers, SD; Smith, AM
- Item2010-2015 corporate plan(Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, 2010-09-01) Australian Nuclear Science and Technology OrganisationNuclear science and technology is a dynamic area of endeavour that focuses on the basic building blocks of matter at the atomic and sub-atomic level. It has many uses, including helping to gain a better understanding of both biological and physically complex systems, and in improving our quality of life. Nuclear science and technology’s potential to improve our lives and unlock the many mysteries of science is well established, but new and exciting areas are still open for innovation. This document details ANSTO’s Corporate Plan (the Plan) for the period 2010-2015, in particular: Our vision, purpose and core values A contextual overview of nuclear science and technology Findings from strategic and operational reviews undertaken over the past two years Strategic priorities for 2010-2015 How we will measure our success in implementing the Plan. Key external documents that have informed development of the Plan include: Statement of Expectations for the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research) Australia’s National Research Priorities Powering Ideas: An Innovation Agenda for the 21st Century National Security Science and Innovation Strategy Inspiring Australia: A National Strategy for Engagement with the Sciences Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987. Internal documents include ANSTO’s: 2030 Scenario Planning Research Papers (2010) 2055 Infrastructure Plan (2010) ANSTO Statement of Intent (2010).
- Item25th jubilee souvenir(Australian Atomic Energy Commission, 1978-04-17) Australian Atomic Energy CommissionWhen word leaked out that the date of the AAEC Silver Jubilee was 17th April 1978, certain members of Administration staff decided some form of celebration should be held to mark this auspicious occasion.
- Item3d diffusion calculations of HIFAR including the coarse control arms and their burnup(Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, 1991-09) Robinson, GSA 3D model of HIFAR which includes the coarse control arms (CCA) has been developed which is based on a 2-group relatively coarse mesh diffusion calculation. Appropriate absorption cross sections to represent the signal arm control blades were obtained by comparison with multigroup discrete ordinates cell calculations. An integral test of the CCA worth using the model showed excellent agreement with a geometrically detailed Monte Carlo calculation. Comparison with the most recent measurement of the CCA reactivity calibration showed good agreement and in particular a constant difference of about 6 per cent between calculation and measurement in change of reactivity with arm movement over the normal operating range. Extension of the model to include the burn-up of the CCA control material has provided the first calculation-based estimates of the loss of CCA effectiveness with time. Similar estimates of the worth of europium tipped control blades and their lifetime have been made. This confirmed that blades of this type have almost identical initial reactivity worth to all-cadmium blades and that their lifetime is very much longer.
- ItemThe A.A.E.C. computer network(Australian Atomic Energy Commission, 1970-11) Richardson, DJThe central computing system at the Australian Atomic Energy Commission's Research Establishment is currently based on an IBM360 model 50 computer. Twelve smaller digital computers and one analogue computer are in use at various points within a half mile radius of the central computer installation. This paper describes plans to link a number of these computers into a network connected to the central computer, and outlines the philosophy behind the setting up of this network.
- ItemThe A.A.E.C. fission product cross section libraries FISPROD.POINTXSL and FISPROD.GROUPXSL(Australian Atomic Energy Commission, 1971-03) Rose, EKThis report is a guide to the contents and layout of the AAEC fission product point cross section library FISPROD.POINTXSL and the group cross section library FISPROD.GROUPXSL, and to the IBM 360/50 FORTRAN IV programs associated with the generation and subsequent updating of these two data libraries.
- ItemThe AAEC blowdown and containment rig.(Australian Atomic Energy Commission, 1982-04) Holland, PGThe arrangement operation and associated instrumentation of the AAEC blowdown and containment rig up to mid-1980 is described. Details of typical experiments are given to illustrate applications. The rig consists of a 14 L high pressure vessel rated to operate up to 16 MPa at 340 degs. C and an 1800 L low pressure vessel having a maximum pressure rating of 450 kPa at 250 degs. C. The blowdown discharge rate can be controlled in various ways including flow through an 8 mm bore tube or one of a set of bevelled orifice plates with bores ranging from 2 to 8 mm. The variables usually measured are the pressure and temperature at selected positions as functions of time. Experimental results show among other things the considerable effect of the initial air pressure in the containment vessel on the maximum pressure attained and on the temperature distribution.
- ItemAAEC computer network access to ACL-NOVA facilities(Australian Atomic Energy Commission, 1982-03) Sanger, PLA number of terminals supported by the NOVA computer-based DATERCOM systems are given access to ACL-NOVA, the IBM3031 central computer and other resources of the AAEC computer network at Lucas Heights. Some of the other Dataway computers provide their own terminals with the same ACL and non-ACL mode support by communicating with DATERCOM, using a restricted set of Dataway sequences to communicate with DATERCOM for ACL mode support. The extension to DATERCOM provides an even better use of Dataway resources by giving ACL mode support to terminals of Dataway computers that only provide non-ACL mode access to the resources of the computer network.
- ItemAAEC facilities to aid in the development of FORTRAN programs(Australian Atomic Energy Commission, 1974-06) Johnson, SG; Sanger, PLTwo subroutines, DBGON and DBGOFF, designed to give users more control over the debug options supplied with the IBM360 FORTRAN IV [G] compiler are described. Examples of the use of these subroutines in the debugging of a FORTRAN program are presented. Macros developed to simulate FORTRAN I/O in Assembler programs are also described, and their value to programmers converting FORTRAN programs into Assembler language routines is demonstrated.
- ItemAAEC implementation of and modifications to release 21.6 of the IBM360 operating system(Australian Atomic Energy Commission, 1974-02) Hayes, IJThis report describes the implementation of and modifications to the IBM360 operating system for release 21.6. The system generated was Multiprogramming with a Variable number of Tasks (MVT) with the Houston Automatic Spooling Program (HASP) if, version 3.1. The report makes extensive reference to the AAEC report on modifications and additions to the IBM360 operating system for release 19.6.
- ItemAAEC INIS online user manual(Australian Atomic Energy Commission, 1983-05) Rugg, TJ; Wong, SCThe Australian Atomic Energy Commission's INIS database has been opened for online searching. INIS, which stands for International Nuclear Information System, contains over 725 000 references to the world's nuclear literature published since 1972, and is growing at the rate of 75 000 new entries each year. The information retrieval programs used to select the data were designed by the AAEC. This manual describes the organisation of the database and how to search it effectively. All the elements involved in the formulation of a successful search strategy are explained. The available search commands are discussed in detail and examples of their use given.
- ItemAAEC modifications and additions to the IBM360 operating system(Australian Atomic Energy Commission, 1972-06) Angus, WAThis report summarises the implementation of release 19.6 (MVT) of the IBM System/360 Operating System. A number of additions and modification to the system were made. Although further changes have been made since the time of writing, the report provides basic information for the generation of future releases of the IBM Operating System.
- ItemAAEC nuclear data card library(Australian Atomic Energy Commission, 1964-03) Doherty, GThis report describes the compilation of the A.A.E.C. nuclear data card library and the conventions relating to the use of the data in neutronics calculations. Details of data processing programmes, library formats, and the extent of the information available for each nuclide are given in the appendices.
- ItemThe AAEC ROTAMAK experiment description and preliminary results at low input power.(Australian Atomic Energy Commission, 1984-12) Durance, G; Hogg, GR; Tendys, JA description is given of the initial experiments on a rotamak device operating with 10 kW input power at a frequency of 1.85 MHz. The experimental apparatus and the diagnostic systems are also described. The matching of the radiofrequency power sources to the drive coils is discussed and details are given of the results from discharges in hydrogen, deuterium helium, and argon. The plasma/magnetic field configuration appears to be stable although under certain conditions fluctuations of the magnetic field structure have been observed.
- ItemAAEC tritium list no. 2, 1975-1976(Australian Atomic Energy Commission, 1977-08) Calf, GE; Smith, LW; Stokes, RCDetails are given of the concentration of the environmental isotope tritium in monthly samples of precipitation taken at l6 stations, situated throughout Australia, during the period 1975-1976.
- ItemAAEC tritium list no. 3, 1977-1978(Australian Atomic Energy Commission, 1979-06) Calf, GE; Stokes, RCDetails are given of the concentration of the environmental isotope tritium in monthly precipitation samples taken at 16 stations, situated throughout Australia, during the period 1977-1978.
- ItemAAEC tritium list no. 4, 1979-1980(Australian Atomic Energy Commission, 1981-07) Calf, GE; Stokes, RCDetails are given of the concentration of the environmental isotope tritium in monthly precipitation samples taken at 16 stations situated throughout Australia in 1979-1980.
- ItemAAEC tritium list no. 5, 1981-1982(Australian Atomic Energy Commission, 1983-06) Calf, GE; Stokes, RCDetails are given of the concentration of the environmental isotope tritium in monthly precipitation samples taken at 16 stations situated throughout Australia during the period 1981-1982. Tritium levels in Australia have now been estimated for 13 years. The results show a significant decrease in tritium concentration in rainfall at all monitoring stations.
- ItemAAEC tritium list no. 6, 1983-1984(Australian Atomic Energy Commission, 1985-07) Calf, GE; Stokes, RCDetails are given of the concentration of the environmental radioisotope tritium in montly precipitation samples taken during the period 1983-1984 at eleven stations throughout Australia: Adelaide Alice Springs Brisbane Campbelltown Cape Grim Darwin Longreach Mackay Melbourne Narrabri West and Perth. Results show that the tritium concentration in rainfall is still decreasing at most monitoring stations.
- ItemAAEC tritium list no.1, 1970-1974(Australian Atomic Energy Commission, 1976-01) Calf, GE; Seatonberry, BW; Smith, LW; Stokes, RCDetails are given of the concentration of the environmental isotope tritium in monthly samples of precipitation taken at 16 stations, situated throughout Australia, during the period 1970-1974.