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- ItemThe instrument suite of the European Spallation Source(Elsevier B. V., 2020-01-10) Andersen, KH; Argyriou, DN; Jackson, AJ; Houston, J; Henry, PF; Deen, PP; Toft-Petersen, R; Beran, P; Strobl, M; Arnold, T; Wacklin-Knecht, H; Vivanco, R; Parker, SF; Gussen, A; Kanaki, K; Scionti, G; Olsen, MA; Arai, M; Schmakat, Ph; Lechner, RE; Niedermayer, Ch; Schneider, H; Zanetti, M; Petrillo, C; Moreira, FY; Stepanyan, S; Luna, P; Calzada, E; Stahn, J; Voigt, J; Dupont, T; Hanslik, R; Siemers, DJ; Udby, L; Chowdhury, MAH; Klauser, Ch; Rouijaa, M; Lehmann, E; Heynen, A; Bustinduy, I; Schwaab, A; Raspino, D; Scatigno, C; del Moral, OG; Kiehn, R; Aprigliano, G; Zanatta, M; Huerta, M; Bellissima, S; Lerche, M; Holm-Dahlin, S; Huerta, M; Christensen, NB; Lohstroh, W; Gorini, G; Fenske, J; Hansen, UB; Klauser, C; Rodrigues, S; Müller, M; Gorini, G; Bovo, C; Hall-Wilton, R; Fabrèges, X; Siemers, DJ; Khaplanov, A; Tsapatsaris, N; Taylor, J; Christensen, M; Schefer, J; Woracek, R; Tozzi, P; Müller, M; Carlsen, H; Olsen, MA; Orecchini, A; Di Fresco, L; Paciaroni, A; Bovo, C; Magán, M; Hauback, BC; Elmer, J; Heenan, RK; Piscitelli, F; Masi, F; Bakedano, G; Klimko, S; De Bonis, A; Fedrigo, A; Lukáš, P; Frielinghaus, H; Stahn, J; Schweika, W; Markó, M; Pfeiffer, D; Kirstein, O; Di Fresco, L; Schreyer, A; Orszulik, A; Nowak, G; Butterweck, S; Šaroun, J; Paciaroni, A; Kolevatov, R; Lehmann, EH; Filges, U; Schreyer, A; Koenen, M; Bustinduy, I; Magán, M; Feygenson, M; Cooper, JFK; Abad, E; Senesi, R; Longeville, S; Llamas-Jansa, I; Schulz, M; Birk, JO; Sharp, M; Galsworthy, P; Šaroun, J; Martínez, J; Hiess, A; Holm-Dahlin, S; Filges, U; Pullen, SA; Guyon Le Bouffy, J; Schefer, J; Lukáš, P; Udby, L; Kozielewski, T; Niedermayer, C; Sacchetti, F; Hartl, M; Jaksch, S; Salhi, Z; Brückel, T; Aguilar, J; Aguilar, J; Seifert, M; Bordallo, HN; Robillard, T; Villacorta, FJ; Herranz, I; del Rosso, L; Hauback, BC; Orecchini, A; Fabrèges, G; Fenske, J; Neuhaus, J; Schillinger, B; Abad, E; Kittelmann, T; Lefmann, K; Seifert, M; Neuhaus, J; Herranz, I; Kolevatov, R; Annighöfer, B; Oksanen, E; Morgano, M; Laszlo, G; Freeman, PG; Kennedy, SJ; Bertelsen, M; Bellissima, S; Alba-Simionesco, C; Markó, M; Mezei, F; Chowdhury, M; Halcrow, W; Jestin, J; Lieutenant, K; Babcock, E; Rønnow, HM; Engels, R; del Moral, OG; Vickery, A; Rouijaa, M; Lavie, P; Petersson Årsköld, S; Glavic, A; Désert, S; Mannix, D; Scatigno, C; Petry, W; Christensen, NB; Violini, N; Villacorta, FJ; Porcher, F; Glavic, A; Scionti, G; Zanetti, M; Fernandez-Alonso, F; Rønnow, HM; Mosconi, M; Olsson, M; Stepanyan, S; Petrillo, C; del Rosso, L; Harbott, P; Sacchetti, F; Bertelsen, M; Kämmerling, H; Andreani, C; Schulz, M; Colognesi, D; Luna, P; Loaiza, L; Turner, D; Martínez, JL; Tartaglione, A; Sordo, F; Llamas-Jansa, I; Schmakat, P; Lechner, RE; Poqué, A; Fernandez-Alonso, F; Colognesi, D; Tartaglione, A; Morgano, M; Webb, N; Loaiza, L; Whitelegg, L; Petry, W; Iversen, K; Vivanco, R; Tozzi, P; Goukassov, A; Schillinger, B; Carlsen, H; Masi, F; Christensen, M; Nowak, G; Nightingale, J; Schütz, S; Lopez, CI; Langridge, S; Schütz, S; Nagy, G; Zanatta, M; Andreani, C; Lefmann, K; Lohstroh, W; Mosconi, M; Senesi, R; Stefanescu, I; Bakedano, G; Hagen, ME; Wischnewski, A; Bourges, P; Hansen, UB; De Bonis, A; Kiehn, R; Parker, SF; Iversen, K; Sordo, F; Freeman, PG; Birk, JO; Rodríguez, DM; Ansell, SAn overview is provided of the 15 neutron beam instruments making up the initial instrument suite of the European Spallation Source (ESS), and being made available to the neutron user community. The ESS neutron source consists of a high-power accelerator and target station, providing a unique long-pulse time structure of slow neutrons. The design considerations behind the time structure, moderator geometry and instrument layout are presented. The 15-instrument suite consists of two small-angle instruments, two reflectometers, an imaging beamline, two single-crystal diffractometers; one for macromolecular crystallography and one for magnetism, two powder diffractometers, and an engineering diffractometer, as well as an array of five inelastic instruments comprising two chopper spectrometers, an inverse-geometry single-crystal excitations spectrometer, an instrument for vibrational spectroscopy and a high-resolution backscattering spectrometer. The conceptual design, performance and scientific drivers of each of these instruments are described. All of the instruments are designed to provide breakthrough new scientific capability, not currently available at existing facilities, building on the inherent strengths of the ESS long-pulse neutron source of high flux, flexible resolution and large bandwidth. Each of them is predicted to provide world-leading performance at an accelerator power of 2 MW. This technical capability translates into a very broad range of scientific capabilities. The composition of the instrument suite has been chosen to maximise the breadth and depth of the scientific impact of the early years of the ESS, and provide a solid base for completion and further expansion of the facility. © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.
- ItemInterlayer tuning of electronic and magnetic properties in honeycomb ordered Ag3LiRu2O6(Royal Society of Chemistry, 2010-10-07) Kimber, SAJ; Ling, CD; Jonathan, D; Morris, P; Chemseddine, A; Henry, PF; Argyriou, DNWe report a switching of electronic, magnetic and lattice properties in honeycomb ruthenates by interlayer cation exchange. The new material Ag3LiRu2O6 was made by ion-exchange of the ordered Li/Ru honeycomb material Li2RuO3 in an AgNO3 melt at 200°C. Neutron powder diffraction and electron microscopy show that the Li/Ru order is preserved in the honeycomb layers, however, significant stacking disorder is found between layers. In contrast to Li2RuO3, which is insulating, dimerised and diamagnetic, Ag3LiRu2O6 has low electrical resistivity (0.01 ohm cm−1) and a large magnetic susceptibility at room temperature. This is attributed to the electronic influence of the highly polarisable interlayer Ag+ cation. The combination of two dimensionality, good conductivity and stacking disorder means this family of materials have potential for thermoelectric applications. © 2010, Royal Society of Chemistry
- ItemStructures of 6H perovskites Ba3CaSb2O9 and Ba3SrSb2O9 determined by synchrotron x-ray diffraction, neutron powder diffraction and ab initio calculations(International Union of Crystallography, 2008-04) Rowda, B; Avdeev, M; Lee, PL; Henry, PF; Ling, CDThe structures of the 6H perovskites Ba3 B 2+Sb5+ 2O9, B = Ca and Sr, have been solved and refined using synchrotron X-ray and neutron powder diffraction data. Ba3CaSb2O9 and Ba3SrSb2O9 have monoclinic C2/c and triclinic space-group symmetries, respectively, while Ba3MgSb2O9 has ideal hexagonal P63/mmc space-group symmetry. The symmetry-lowering distortions are a consequence of internal chemical pressure' owing to the increasing effective ionic radius of the alkaline-earth cation in the perovskite B site from Mg2+ (0.72 Å) to Ca2+ (1.00 Å) to Sr2+ (1.18 Å). Increasing the effective ionic radius further to Ba2+ (1.35 Å) leads to decomposition at room temperature. The driving force behind the transition from P63/mmc to C2/c is the need to alleviate underbonding of Ba2+ cations in the perovskite A site via octahedral rotations, while the transition from C2/c to is driven by the need to regularize the shape of the Sb2O9 face-sharing octahedral dimers. Ab initio geometry-optimization calculations were used to find a triclinic starting model for Ba3SrSb2O9. © 2008, International Union of Crystallography
- ItemTwo stage magnetic ordering and spin idle behavior of the coordination polymer Co-3(OH)(2)(C4O4)(2)center dot 3H(2)O determined using neutron diffraction(American Chemical Society, 2011-03-01) Mole, RA; Stride, JA; Henry, PF; Hoelzel, M; Senyshyn, A; Alberola, A; Garcia, CJG; Raithby, PR; Wood, PTWe report the magnetic structure of two of the magnetically ordered phases of Co-3(OH)(2)(C4O4)2 center dot 3H(2)O, a coordination polymer that consists of a triangular framework decorated with anisotropic Co(II) ions. The combination of neutron diffraction experiments and magnetic susceptibility data allows us to identify one phase as displaying spin idle behavior, where only a fraction of the moments order at intermediate temperatures, while at the lowest temperatures the system orders fully. This novel magnetic behavior is discussed within the framework of a simple Hamiltonian and representational analysis and rationalizes this multiphase behavior by considering the combination of frustration and anisotropy. © 2011, American Chemical Society