Browsing by Author "Brendler, V"
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- ItemApplicability of surface area normalised distribution coefficients (Ka) in interpreting measurements of radionuclide sorption(South Pacific Radioactivity Association, 2008-11-26) Payne, TE; Brendler, V; Comarmond, MJThe mobility of radionuclides in the environment is a key issue in assessing the future performance of nuclear waste repositories and modelling the movement of radionuclides in contaminated sites. There have been numerous experimental studies of the adsorption of radionuclides, however, it remains difficult to model the uptake of radionuclides by soils and other complex multi-component geologic materials. Although it would be desirable to utilise mechanistic sorption models (such as surface complexation models) in environmental radionuclide transport modelling, these require a large amount of experimental data and involve considerable mathematical complexity. Therefore, they are not yet available for predictive modelling of complex systems. As a result, predictions of the mobility of radionuclides in the environment generally rely on descriptive measured parameters, such as the solid-liquid distribution coefficient (Kd value) for which various compilations of data values are available (e.g. Sheppard and Thibault, 1990). In order to better understand the mobility of radionuclides in the environment, it has been proposed to utilise a surface area normalised distribution coefficient (Ka value) in which the Kd values are normalised by the measured sample surface area (Pabalan et al., 1998). The concept is developed in this paper by analysing radionuclide sorption measurements from several data sets, including experimental data for well characterised geological materials that were obtained from candidate low-level nuclear repository sites in Australia. In addition, several data-sets summarised in the extensive RES3T database (Brendler et al., 2003) are also utilised in determining whether the K, would be an applicable tool to constrain the ranges of sorption values expected for natural materials in the environment. Finally, we discuss the conditions under which the K, value provides useful insights into radionuclide mobility and possible limitations in its applicability.
- ItemAssessment of surface area normalisation for interpreting distribution coefficients (Kd) for uranium sorption(Elsevier B. V., 2011-10) Payne, TE; Brendler, V; Comarmond, MJ; Nebelung, CAdsorption of radionuclides on soils and sediments is commonly quantified by distribution coefficients (Kd values). This paper examines the relationship between Kd values for uranium(VI) adsorption and the specific surface area (SSA) of geologic materials. We then investigate the potential applicability of normalising uranium (U) Kd measurements using the SSA, to produce ‘Ka values’ as a generic expression of the affinity of U for the surface. The data for U provide a reasonably coherent set of Ka values on various solid phases, both with and without ligands. The Ka representation provides a way of harmonising datasets obtained for materials having different specific surface areas, and accounting for the effects of ligands in different systems. In addition, this representation may assist in developing U sorption models for complex materials. However, a significant limitation of the Ka concept is that sorption of radionuclides at trace levels can be dominated by interactions with specific surface sites, whose abundances are not reflected by the SSA. Therefore, calculated Ka values should be interpreted cautiously. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.
- ItemGuidelines for thermodynamic sorption modelling in the context of radioactive waste disposal(Elsevier, 2013-01-01) Payne, TE; Brendler, V; Ochs, M; Baeyens, B; Brown, PL; Davis, JA; Ekberg, C; Kulik, DA; Lützenkirchen, J; Missana, T; Tachi, Y; Van Loon, LR; Altmann, SThermodynamic sorption models (TSMs) offer the potential to improve the incorporation of sorption in environmental modelling of contaminant migration. One specific application is safety cases for radioactive waste repositories, in which radionuclide sorption on mineral surfaces is usually described using distribution coefficients (K-d values). TSMs can be utilised to provide a scientific basis for the range of K-d values included in the repository safety case, and for assessing the response of K-d to changes in chemical conditions. The development of a TSM involves a series of decisions on model features such as numbers and types of surface sites, sorption reactions and electrostatic correction factors. There has been a lack of consensus on the best ways to develop such models, and on the methods of determination of associated parameter values. The present paper therefore presents recommendations on a number of aspects of model development, which are applicable both to radioactive waste disposal and broader environmental applications. The TSM should be calibrated using a comprehensive sorption data set for the contaminant of interest, showing the impact of major geochemical parameters including pH, ionic strength, contaminant concentration, the effect of ligands, and major competing ions. Complex natural materials should be thoroughly characterised in terms of mineralogy, surface area, cation exchange capacity, and presence of impurities. During the application of numerical optimisation programs to simulate sorption data, it is often preferable that the TSM should be fitted to the experimentally determined K-d parameter, rather than to the frequently used percentage sorbed. Two different modelling approaches, the component additivity and generalised composite, can be used for modelling sorption data for complex materials such as soils. Both approaches may be coupled to the same critically reviewed aqueous thermodynamic data sets, and may incorporate the same, or similar, surface reactions and surface species. The quality of the final sorption model can be assessed against the following characteristics: an appropriate level of complexity, documented and traceable decisions, internal consistency, limitations on the number of adjustable parameter values, an adequate fit to a comprehensive calibration data set, and capability of simulating independent data sets. Key recommendations for the process of TSM development include: definition of modelling objectives, identification of major decision points, a clear decision-making rationale with reference to experimental or theoretical evidence, utilisation of a suitable consultative and iterative model development process, testing to the maximum practicable extent, and thorough documentation of key decisions. These recommendations are consistent with international benchmarks for environmental modelling. Copyright © 2013, Elsevier
- ItemSorption databases for increasing confidence in performance assessment(ASME International, 2009-10-11) Richter, A; Brendler, V; Nebelung, C; Payne, TE; Brasser, TWorld-wide activities focus on the remediation of radioactively contaminated sites. One common aim is to deliver a more profound chemical base for risk assessment, namely all those physico-chemical phenomena governing the contamination plume development in time and space. Coupled transport codes able to tackle this challenge have to simplify the resulting very complex reaction pattern. To do so in an adequate way requires extending the knowledge about retardation and mobilisation phenomena and the underlying basic processes and interactions (e.g. physisorption, chemisorption, surface precipitation). Interactions at the solid-liquid interface can be described by complementary approaches, the empirical Kd concept and the mechanistic Surface Complexation Models (SCM). Kd’s are used by most reactive transport and risk assessment codes due to the straightforward numerics involved. In addition, the Kd concept is often the only feasible option for complex solid phases. However, the Kd concept is a rather simplistic approach. Many very different basic physico-chemical phenomena are subsumed in just one conditional parameter. Therefore, extrapolating Kd values may yield very large uncertainties. SCM account adsorption of ions on surface sites as complexation reaction comparable to complexation in solution. The electrical charge at the surface is determined by the chemical reactions of the mineral functional groups, including acid-base reactions and formation of ion pairs and coordinative complexes. The required parameters are site-independent and applicable despite large variations in geochemical conditions. This presents a high potential to increase confidence in safety analysis and risk assessment studies (performance assessment). The mechanistic description of sorption processes with SCM allows a thermodynamically consistent calculation of the species distribution between liquid and solid phase combined with more reliable inter- and extrapolations. However, this requires that all mineral constituents of the solid phase are characterized. Another issue is the large number of required parameters combined with time-consuming iterations. Addressing both approaches, we present two sorption databases, developed mainly by or under participation of the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (FZD). Both databases are implemented as relational databases, assist identification of critical data gaps and the evaluation of existing parameter sets, provide web based data search and analyses and permit the comparison of SCM predictions with Kd values. RES3T (Rossendorf Expert System for Surface and Sorption Thermodynamics) is a digitized thermodynamic sorption database (see and free of charge. It is mineral-specific and can therefore also be used for additive models of more complex solid phases. ISDA (Integrated Sorption Database System) connects SCM with the Kd concept but focuses on conventional Kd. The integrated datasets are accessible through a unified user interface. An application case, Kd values in Performance Assessment, is given. © 2009 by ASME
- ItemSorption of U(VI) at the TiO2–water interface: An in situ vibrational spectroscopic study(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2012-01-01) Muller, K; Foerstendorf, H; Meusel, T; Brendler, V; Lefevre, G; Comarmond, MJ; Payne, TEMolecular-scale knowledge of sorption reactions at the water-mineral interface is important for predicting U(VI) transport processes in the environment. In this work, in situ attenuated total reflection Fourier-transform infrared (ATR FT-IR) spectroscopy was used in a comprehensive investigation of the sorption processes of U(VI) onto TiO2. The high sensitivity of the in situ ATR FT-IR technique allows the study of U(VI) concentrations down to the low micromolar range, which is relevant to most environmental scenarios. A set of highly purified and well characterized TiO2 phases differing in their origin, the ratio of the most stable polymorphs (anatase and rutile), in specific surface area, isoelectric points and in particle size distribution was investigated. Irrespective of the composition of the mineral phase, it was shown that U(VI) forms similar surface complexes, which was derived from the antisymmetric stretching mode nu(3)(UO2) showing a characteristic shift to lower wavenumbers compared to the respective aqueous species. The availability of a fast scanning IR device makes it feasible to perform time-resolved experiments of the sorption processes with a time resolution in the sub-minute range. It is shown that during the early stages of the U(VI) uptake, a surface species on the mineral phase is formed, characterized by a significantly red-shifted absorption maximum which is interpreted as a bidendate inner-sphere complex. After prolonged sorption, the IR spectra indicate the formation of a second surface species showing a smaller shift compared to the aqueous species. These findings were verified by a series of spectroscopic experiments performed on a U(VI)-saturated surface, at different U(VI) concentrations, pH values and in the absence of atmospheric-derived carbonate. This work provides new molecular insights into the sorption processes of U(VI) on TiO2. Basic thermodynamic ideas of surface complexation are substantiated by in situ infrared spectroscopy. © 2012, Elsevier Ltd.
- ItemThe Sorption Processes of U(VI) onto SiO2 in the presence of phosphate: from binary surface species to precipitation(American Chemical Society, 2016-10-18) Comarmond, MJ; Steudtner, R; Stockmann, M; Heim, K; Müller, K; Brendler, V; Payne, TE; Foerstendorf, HThe ternary system containing aqueous U(VI), aqueous phosphate and solid SiO2 was comprehensively investigated using a batch sorption technique, in situ attenuated total reflection Fourier-transform infrared (ATR FT-IR) spectroscopy, time-resolved luminescence spectroscopy (TRLS), and surface complexation modeling (SCM). The batch sorption studies on silica gel (10 g/L) in the pH range 2.5 to 5 showed no significant increase in U(VI) uptake in the presence of phosphate at equimolar concentration of 20 μM, but significant increase in U(VI) uptake was observed for higher phosphate concentrations. In situ infrared and luminescence spectroscopic studies evidence the formation of two binary U(VI) surface species in the absence of phosphate, whereas after prolonged sorption in the presence of phosphate, the formation of a surface precipitate, most likely an autunite-like phase, is strongly suggested. From SCM, excellent fitting results were obtained exclusively considering two binary uranyl surface species and the formation of a solid uranyl phosphate phase. Ternary surface complexes were not needed to explain the data. The results of this study indicate that the sorption of U(VI) on SiO2 in the presence of inorganic phosphate initially involves binary surface-sorption species and evolves toward surface precipitation. © 2016 American Chemical Society